Add text annotation

A Text Annotation serves as a designated placeholder within a document where the recipient is required to enter text. You can include one or more text annotations in a document. Learn more about Annotations.

You will also need to add a document to the envelope and set a recipient using signing steps. You will get the recipient_id from the response of the signing steps and the document_id from the response of the document upload.

Coordinates of the annotation are passed in % of the page dimensions (from 0 to 100) counting from the top left corner
Add annotation
curl --request POST \
  --url{envelope_id}/annotation \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <api-key>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "recipient_id": "<string>",
  "document_id": "<string>",
  "page": 1,
  "x": 50,
  "y": 20,
  "width": 20,
  "height": 60,
  "required": true,
  "type": "TEXT",
  "signature": null,
  "initials": null,
  "text": {
   "size": 12,
    "color": 32,
    "value": "Enter your insurance number",
    "font": {
      "family": "SERIF",
      "italic": true,
      "bold": true
  "datetime": null,
  "checkbox": null

On success, the API will return the inserted annotation.

API Reference

Get endpoint details